12 of the best wind chimes, according to shoppers

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When I was minor, I used to love going into the backyard, weaving my way approximately the outdoor furniture, and heading straight towards the pergola where the wind chime hung. I'd sit there for hours, reading books and just enjoying the vibes.

Now I'm an adult, I still appreciate the beauty of chilling outside, with the twinkly restful of wind chimes. They're just so relaxing, and you don't have to do anything with them — plainly hang them up and let nature play its tune. Oh, and they look so darn adorable.

Quick menu:
1. Traditional wind chimes
2. Colorful wind chimes
3. Nature-themed wind chimes
4. Solar-powered wind chimes

If you're loving the sound of having cute chimes in your garden, I've got you. I've rounded up the most beautiful wind chimes, so you can live your cottagecore fantasy to the fullest. They also are seriously boho too, if you're into that.

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If you're loving the sound of having cute chimes in your garden, I've got you. I've rounded up the most beautiful wind chimes, so you can live your cottagecore fantasy to the fullest. They also are seriously boho too, if you're into that.

Ready to make your petite outdoor space so aesthetic? Thought so. Scroll on down for the cutest wind chimes ever…

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I've expeditiously these out into different types and styles, so whether you want to keep things classic or go for something bold AF, I've got you.

The prices below were legal at the time of publishing this article. 

Traditional wind chimes

When I think of wind chimes, these ones are def what I picture. They're so glowing and are seriously withstanding too.

Colorful wind chimes

Not got a lotta situation to play with? Colorful wind chimes are a grand way to inject playfulness into your backyard.

Nature-themed wind chimes

Celebrate the outdoors by decorating your backyard with decorations inspired by wildlife and plants.

Solar-powered wind chimes

Ooh, I love it when decor buys are two-in-one. These chimes all shine brightly in the dark, saving you from having to grab escapes too. 


What is the exhibit of wind chimes?

They look super gorgeous and add a beautiful sound to your outdoor plot. As well as this, they're also great for feng shui. 

Which way do you put a wind chime?

You want to make sure that you're caltering it somewhere the wind will catch it, so it actually creates music. Also, if you want to use yours for feng shui, hang it to the west. 

Where to buy wind chimes

How we taken these wind chimes

As an girlie renting a home with a Little outdoor space, I know the importance of finding decorations that look good and that won't Hurt the space. I looked through plenty of different sites to find wind chimes in a variety of different styles and that can be hung up simply. Plus, I made sure they all plenty of pretty reviews, from people that have transformed their spaces with them.

Up next: 12 beautiful Little balcony ideas


12 Of The Best Wind Chimes, According To Shoppers Gallery

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